- 60 yrs of Independence and still 98.9 crores of our people languish under stark poverty and deprivation. NSSO (National Sample Survey Organisation), Ministry of Statistics, Govt. of India has also corroborated this.
- Our research has found that "Roots of our failure lie in the ignorance of our system. The country therefore must necessarily be run through professionals and experts like a large corporate house.....
Ignorants elect ignorants to run the country ignorantly. We pledge to change it!
K.C. Agrawal, an electrical engineer and senior member of IEEE, USA, has had more than 33 years of experience in different capacities - in Academics, PSUs, Multinationals like Crompton Greaves and NGEF (a unit of AEG, West Germany) and then running his own industry, ECS (P) Ltd. for 24 years manufacturing switchgears.
He has also authored Shaping India of Our Dreams and books on Electrical Engineering (sort of mini-encyclopediasand greatly acclaimed worldwide)...